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Reimagining the Grid

The power grid will evolve to integrate changes in how electricity is generated, stored and used, including by large-scale adoption of electric vehicles and distributed energy resources. Reimagining the Grid is SCE’s vision of this future grid. Reimagining the Grid is a comprehensive assessment to address how the grid must change to support California’s greenhouse gas reduction goals and the imperative for power to be carbon-free by 2045 — while also adapting to other needs driven by customers and climate change. 

We must start developing critical grid capabilities today to ensure they are in place when needed, and we cannot do this alone. Achieving a reimagined grid for a clean energy future calls for a collaborative, industry-wide approach to be most effective and less costly to implement. It will require all parties — policymakers, innovators, customers, utilities — working together to shape the policy and technology landscape and transform how we plan, design, build and operate the grid.

How We Get There

While we continue working toward further defining the capabilities and design architectures of the reimagined grid, we also need to take “no regrets” actions now to begin implementing this vision:

Improving our “forward radar” to anticipate changes, particularly regarding the timing, nature and magnitude of customer technology adoption and grid impacts
Integrating new tools and grid planning processes to lower deployment time, harmonize current grid efforts with future needs and make more adaptive decisions
Engaging with key stakeholders (state regulators, federal agencies, industry, customers) to build a shared point of view on upcoming grid challenges and collaborate to start shaping future standards
Accelerating the industry’s development, testing, piloting and deployment of critical grid technologies

Creating a Clean Energy Future

Adapting for Tomorrow

Edison's call to action for utilities, governments and communities to invest now in a climate-resilient electric grid and other critical infrastructure, based on findings from SCE’s Climate Adaptation Vulnerability Assessment.

Mind the Gap

Edison's analysis of the policy changes and additions needed to ensure that California meets its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 40% by 2030 — a reduction that is essential if the state is to achieve its ultimate goal of a decarbonized economy by 2045.

Pathway 2045

SCE’s 2019 data-driven analysis of the steps that California must take to meet the 2045 goals to clean our electric grid and reach carbon neutrality.
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